
Basic Vocabulary and Pronunciation Guide

Below is a list of basic vocabulary along with pronunciation tips to help you get started with learning English. These are everyday words and phrases that you can use in daily conversations. The pronunciation guide provides approximate sounds, but it’s best to listen to native speakers for accuracy.

1. Common Nouns

  1. Book [bʊk]
    (A set of written or printed pages bound together)
  2. House [haʊs]
    (A building where people live)
  3. Friend [frɛnd]
    (A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection)
  4. Family [ˈfæmɪli]
    (A group of people related by blood or marriage)
  5. Car [kɑːr]
    (A road vehicle powered by an engine, typically with four wheels)
  6. Dog [dɔɡ]
    (A domesticated carnivorous mammal)
  7. Cat [kæt]
    (A small domesticated carnivorous mammal)
  8. Food [fuːd]
    (Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat)
  9. Water [ˈwɔːtər]
    (A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid essential for life)
  10. School [skuːl]
    (A place where children go to learn)

2. Common Verbs

  1. Eat [iːt]
    (To consume food)
  2. Go [ɡoʊ]
    (To move or travel from one place to another)
  3. Come [kʌm]
    (To move toward or approach a person or place)
  4. Speak [spiːk]
    (To talk or say words aloud)
  5. Read riːd, rɛd
    (To look at and understand written words)
  6. Write [raɪt]
    (To compose words on paper or another surface)
  7. Sleep [sliːp]
    (To rest in a natural, unconscious state)
  8. Work [wɜːrk]
    (To perform tasks or duties for pay or a purpose)
  9. Run [rʌn]
    (To move at a speed faster than walking)
  10. Play [pleɪ]
    (To engage in activities for enjoyment or recreation)

3. Common Adjectives

  1. Good [ɡʊd]
    (Of high quality or excellence)
  2. Bad [bæd]
    (Of poor quality or unpleasant)
  3. Happy [ˈhæpi]
    (Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment)
  4. Sad [sæd]
    (Feeling sorrow or unhappiness)
  5. Big [bɪɡ]
    (Of considerable size or extent)
  6. Small [smɔːl]
    (Of limited size or extent)
  7. Tall [tɔːl]
    (Having a greater height than average)
  8. Short [ʃɔːrt]
    (Having less height or length)
  9. Beautiful [ˈbjuːtɪfəl]
    (Pleasing to the eye or senses)
  10. Ugly [ˈʌɡli]
    (Unpleasant or unattractive in appearance)

4. Common Pronouns

  1. I [aɪ]
    (Refers to oneself)
  2. You [juː]
    (Refers to the person being addressed)
  3. He [hiː]
    (Refers to a male person or animal)
  4. She [ʃiː]
    (Refers to a female person or animal)
  5. It [ɪt]
    (Refers to a thing, animal, or abstract concept)
  6. We [wiː]
    (Refers to the speaker and others)
  7. They [ðeɪ]
    (Refers to a group of people or things)
  8. Mine [maɪn]
    (Belonging to me)
  9. Yours [jɔːrz]
    (Belonging to you)
  10. Theirs [ðɛərz]
    (Belonging to them)

5. Common Prepositions

  1. In [ɪn]
    (Inside a place or thing)
  2. On [ɒn]
    (Resting upon a surface)
  3. Under [ˈʌndər]
    (Below or beneath something)
  4. Above [əˈbʌv]
    (At a higher level or position)
  5. Between [bɪˈtwiːn]
    (In the middle of two things)
  6. Next to [nɛkst tuː]
    (Beside, near something)
  7. Behind [bɪˈhaɪnd]
    (At the back of something)
  8. Near [nɪər]
    (At a short distance from something)
  9. Over [ˈoʊvər]
    (Above or across something)
  10. With [wɪð]
    (Accompanied by or in the company of)

6. Common Numbers

  1. One [wʌn]
  2. Two [tuː]
  3. Three [θriː]
  4. Four [fɔːr]
  5. Five [faɪv]
  6. Ten [tɛn]
  7. Hundred [ˈhʌndrəd]
  8. Thousand [ˈθaʊzənd]
  9. First [fɜːrst]
  10. Second [ˈsɛkənd]

Pronunciation Tips

  • Vowel sounds are crucial in English pronunciation. For example:
  • Short vowels: “cat” [kæt], “dog” [dɔɡ], “bed” [bɛd]
  • Long vowels: “cake” [keɪk], “goose” [ɡuːs], “pie” [paɪ]
  • Consonant sounds:
  • ‘th’ sound: “think” [θɪŋk], “this” [ðɪs]
  • ‘sh’ sound: “shoe” [ʃuː], “ship” [ʃɪp]
  • ‘ch’ sound: “chicken” [ˈtʃɪkən], “church” [tʃɜːrtʃ]

Practice Tip:
To improve your pronunciation:

  1. Listen to native speakers (e.g., in podcasts, TV shows, or YouTube videos).
  2. Repeat words or phrases after them, focusing on mimicking their intonation and stress.
  3. Use apps like Forvo or Google Translate (with pronunciation feature) to hear how words are pronounced.

Building a strong foundation of basic vocabulary and understanding pronunciation is the first step toward fluency in English. Start by practicing these words regularly in your conversations, and gradually expand your vocabulary. By mastering pronunciation and vocabulary, you’ll gain confidence in speaking and understanding English.

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By Rishi Pal Sharma

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