Public support during the election campaign confirms Akali Dal’s victory. N.K. Sharma Many leaders, including Surjit Singh Rakhra, Bibi Mukhmailpur, Charanjit Brar, Bhupendra Sheikhpura, Kabir Das Bittu Chattha, Makkhan Lalka, and Surjit Singh Garhi, arrived.Patiala.
Yesterday, Shiromani Akali Dal candidate NK Sharma from the Patiala Lok Sabha constituency inaugurated his main election office near Hotel Shaurya on Central Jail Road, Patiala. NK Sharma recited Sukhmani Sahib and performed kirtan on this occasion. Following the Ardaas, they inaugurated the office. Among those in attendance were former cabinet minister Surjit Singh Rakhra, former MLA Harpreet Kaur Mukhmailpur, Charanjit Singh Brar, Jaspal Singh Bittu Chattha, Amarinder Singh Bajaj, Inder Mohan Singh Bajaj, Kabir Das, Bhupendra Shekhupura, Shiromani Committee member Surjit Singh Garhi, and District President Jarnail.
Many senior Akali leaders, including Singh Kartarpur, were present.Speaking on the occasion, NK Sharma said that the way people are supporting the election campaign has made it clear that Akali Dal’s victory in the constituency is certain. Only 20 days remain for voting, during which Shiromani Akali Dal President Sukhbir Badal will lead the Punjab Bachao Yatra to Samana on May 13. Following this, Sukhbir Singh Badal will moderate his programmes on May 27. He urged the group in-charges, workers, and leaders to cast their votes individually and reach out to each house. Therefore, all the leaders and workers should handle their duties in the field.
He said that on one hand, Shiromani Akali Dal is standing shoulder to shoulder with the farmers, while on the other hand, Bharatiya Janata Party and Aam Aadmi Party have proved to be anti-farmers. Sharma stated that Aam Aadmi Party candidate and Cabinet Minister Balbir Singh has not been able to provide compensation for the acquired land to 400 farmer families in 24 villages, causing AAP and BJP leaders to face opposition in the villages. On the other hand, Congress workers are disappointed in making Gandhi the candidate. In such a situation, this is the right time when people should be associated with Akali Dal.Speaking on the occasion, former cabinet minister Surjit Singh Rakhra said that there is a lot of anger among the people about the candidates of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Aam Aadmi Party, and Congress. People are supporting Shiromani Akali Dal.
He stated that under the 7 years of Congress and Aam Aadmi Party rule in Punjab, the roads and sewerage systems in both rural and urban areas are in poor condition, and the closure of numerous public welfare schemes such as the Shagun Scheme, Atta-Dal Scheme, and the Old Age Pension Scheme has resulted in significant hardship for the people. I am angry. Apart from others, Bibi Mukhmailpur, Charanjit Singh Brar Kabir Das, Jaspal Singh Bittu, Urban Pradhan Amit Rathi, Sukhwinder Pal Singh Minta, and Amarinder Singh Bajaj Surjit Singh Garhi also addressed this occasion.