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Shri P.B. Ninawe, Additional Member (RS), Railway Board, visits Patiala Locomotive Works (PLW).

Patiala, 31st August 2024: Shri P.B. Ninawe, Additional Member (RS) of the Railway Board, visited Patiala Locomotive Works (PLW) on 31st August 2024. Shri Pramod Kumar, Principal Chief Accounts Officer (PCAO), and other officers of PLW warmly welcomed Shri Ninawe upon his arrival.
During his visit, Shri Ninawe explored various shops and store wards that house locomotive accessories. He took the opportunity to interact with the workers and staff, commending their dedication and efforts in managing the inventory and ensuring the smooth functioning of the stores.
In addition to his tour, Shri Ninawe provided valuable suggestions to the staff to further improve the management of the store wards. He also held a meeting with PLW officers, where he discussed various aspects of material management and addressed challenges related to store operations. Shri Ninawe shared his insights and advice on how to optimize processes and increase material management efficiency.

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